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Vijayan Sugumaran

Title: Distinguished Professor of Management Information Systems
Office: 442 Elliott Hall
Phone: (248) 370-2831
Email: [email protected]

George Mason University, Ph.D. Information Technology

Vijayan Sugumaran is Professor of Management Information Systems and Chair of the Department of Decision and Information Sciences at Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan, USA. His research interests are in the areas of Big Data Management and Analytics, Ontologies and Semantic Web, Intelligent Agent and Multi-Agent Systems, Component Based Software Development, Knowledge-Based Systems, and Data & Information Modeling. He has published over 150 peer-reviewed articles in Journals, Conferences, and Books. He has edited twelve books and serves on the Editorial Boards of eight journals. His most recent publications have appeared in Information systems Research, ACM Transactions on Database Systems, IEEE Transactions on Big Data, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, IEEE Transactions on Education, Communications of the ACM, Healthcare Management Science, Data and Knowledge Engineering, The DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, and Information Systems Journal. Dr. Sugumaran is the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies.

Teaching interests: 
Systems Design, Object-Oriented Programming, Application Architecture

Research interests: 
Big Data Management and Analytics, Intelligent Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, Ontologies, Semantic Web, Component reuse and Web Services


Research Excellence Award, Oakland University, April 2010

AISWorld NET Challenge Award, Association of Information Systems, December 2007

Americas Conference On Information System, 2004

Oakland University, 2004

Oakland University, 2004

Fourth Annual AIS Educator Conference, 2002

North East Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference, 1996

Journals and Articles:

Suganeshwari, Syed Ibrahim, Sugumaran, V. (2023). A Graph-Based Collaborative Filtering Algorithm Combining Implicit User Preference and Explicit Time-Related Feedback. other, -.

Masood, Chakravarthy, Abd-Elkader, Ahamed, Mahaideen, Sugumaran, V. (2023). A microbiological identification and recovery actions of critical symptoms of anammox image bacteria. Preventive Medicine, -.

Leukel, J., Ozbek, G., Sugumaran, V. (2023). Application of logistic regression to explain internet use among older adults: a review of the empirical literature. Universal Access in the Information Society, -.

Leukel, J., Schehl, B., Sugumaran, V. (2023). Digital inequality among older adults: Explaining differences in the breadth of Internet use. Information, Communication and Society, 26(1), 139-154.

Gang, Lin, Wang, Hu, Sugumaran, V., Chen (2023). Digital Twin-enabled and Knowledge-driven Decision Support for Tunnel Electromechanical Equipment Maintenance. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, -.

Du, Li, Sugumaran, V., Hu, Xue (2023). Dynamic Model Averaging-based Procurement Optimization of Prefabricated Components. Neural Computing and Applications, -.

Gajendran, S., Manjula, D., Sugumaran, V., Hema, R. (2023). Extraction of Knowledge Graph of Covid-19 Through Mining of Unstructured Biomedical Corpora. Computational Biology and Chemistry, Article 107808.

Du, J., Xue, Y., Sugumaran, V., Hu, M., Dong, P. (2023). Improved Biogeography-Based Optimization Algorithm for Lean Production Scheduling of Prefabricated Components. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(4), 1601-1635.

Mu, Wang, Sugumaran, V. (2023). OEM's optimal remanufacturing mode considering patent license under different commission contracts with platform. Electronic Commerce Research, -.

Shanmugam, S., Sugumaran, V., Thangavelu, A., Sekaran, K. (2023). Predicting Rheumatoid Arthritis from the Biomarkers of Clinical Trials using Improved Harmony Search Optimization with Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy Inference System. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 44(1), 125-137.

Caushaj, E., Sugumaran, V. (2023). Classification and Security Assessment of Android Apps. Discover Internet of Things Journal, 24.

Sreedevi, A. G., Harshitha, N. , Sugumaran, V. , Shankar, P. (2022). Application of Cognitive Computing in Healthcare, Cybersecurity, Big Data and IoT: A Literature Review. Information Processing & Management. 59(2), 102888

Kavipriya, G. , Manjula, D. , Sugumaran, V. (2022). Chronological Order based Wrapper Technique for Drug-Target Interaction Prediction (CO-WT DTI). Current Bioinformatics. 10.2174/1574893617666220509185052

Juan, C. , Sugumaran, V. , Peiyan, Q. (2022). Connected and Automated Vehicle Control at Unsignalized Intersection Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning in Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Environment. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 18(7), 10.1177/15501329221114060

Leukel, J. , Sugumaran, V. (2022). How Novices Understand Supply Chain Process Models: An Experimental Study on Using Diagrams and Texts. Journal of Enterprise Information Management. 35(3), 757-773

Attili, V. , Mathew, S. , Sugumaran, V. (2022). Information Privacy Assimilation in IT Organizations. Information Systems Frontiers. 24(5), 1497-1513

Nandini, I. , Manjula, D. , Sugumaran, V. (2022). Multi-Class Brain Disease Classification Using Modified Pre-Trained CNN Model with substantial Data Augmentation. Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics. 12(2), 168-183

Seo, J. , Ko, D. , Kim, S. , Sugumaran, V. , Park, S. (2022). Reminisce: Blockchain Private Key Generation and Recovery using Distinctive Pictures-based Personal Memory. Mathematics. 10(12), 2047

Sugumaran, V. , Ibrahim, S. (2022). Rough set based on least dissimilarity normalized index for handling uncertainty during E-learners learning pattern recognition. International Journal of Intelligent Networks. 3133-137

Yu, . , Wang, Y. , Mao, . , Hu, . , Sugumaran, V. , Wang, Y. K.(2021). A Digital Twin-based Decision Analysis Framework for Operation and Maintenance of Tunnels. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. 116104125

Wang, X. , Chang, Y. , Sugumaran, V. , Luo, X. , Wang, P. , Zhang, H. (2021). Implicit Emotion Relationship Mining Based on Emotion Recognition from Multimodal Data Prediction. IEEE Multimedia. 28(2), 96-105

Liu, . , Sugumaran, V. , Wang, V. , Han, D. (2021). Pair-wise ranking based preference learning for Points-of-interest Recommendation. Knowledge-Based Systems. 225107069

Mu, L. , Tang, X. , Sugumaran, V. , Xu, W. , Sun, X. (2021). Optimal rebate strategy for an online retailer with a cashback platform: commission-driven or marketing-based?. Electronic Commerce Research. 36

Jing, N. , Liu, Q. , Sugumaran, V. (2021). A blockchain-based code copyright management system. INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT. 58(3), 102518

Du, J. , Dong, P. , Sugumaran, V. , Castro-Lacouture, D. (2021). Dynamic decision support framework for production scheduling using a combined genetic algorithm and multiagent model. EXPERT SYSTEMS. 38(1), 12533

Yu, G. , Wang, Y. , Hu, M. , Shi, L. , Mao, Z. , Sugumaran, V. (2021). RIOMS: An intelligent system for operation and maintenance of urban roads using spatio-temporal data in smart cities. FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE. 115583-609

Widmer, T. , Karaenke, P. , Sugumaran, V. (2021). Two-sided service markets: Effects of quality differentiation on market efficiency. MANAGERIAL AND DECISION ECONOMICS. 42(3), 588-604

Masood, M. Mohamed Divan, . , Arunarani, A. R., Manjula, D. , Sugumaran, V. (2021). An efficient algorithm for identifying (l, d) motif from huge DNA datasets. JOURNAL OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE AND HUMANIZED COMPUTING. 12(1), 485-495

Wang, X. , Kou, L. , Sugumaran, V. , Luo, X. , Zhang, H. (2020). Emotion Correlation Mining Through Deep Learning Models on Natural Language Text. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. 1-14

Zhou, S. , Chen, L. , Sugumaran, V. (2020). Hidden Two-Stream Collaborative Learning Network for Action Recognition. CMC-COMPUTERS MATERIALS & CONTINUA. 63(3), 1545-1561

Du, J. , Jing, H. , Castro-Lacouture, D. , Sugumaran, V. (2020). Multi-agent simulation for managing design changes in prefabricated construction projects. ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION AND ARCHITECTURAL MANAGEMENT. 27(1), 270-295

Gajendran, S. , Manjula, D. , Sugumaran, V. (2020). Character level and word level embedding with bidirectional LSTM - Dynamic recurrent neural network for biomedical named entity recognition from literature. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS. 112103609

Veeramanikandan, . , Sankaranarayanan, S. , Rodrigues, Joel J. P. C., . , Sugumaran, V. , Kozlov, S. (2020). Data Flow and Distributed Deep Neural Network based low latency IoT-Edge computation model for big data environment. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. 94103785

Du, J. , Dong, P. , Sugumaran, V. (2020). Dynamic Production Scheduling for Prefabricated Components Considering the Demand Fluctuation. INTELLIGENT AUTOMATION AND SOFT COMPUTING. 26(4), 715-723

Mu, L. , Sugumaran, V. , Wang, F. (2020). A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Software Architecture Re-Modularization. INFORMATION SYSTEMS FRONTIERS. 22(5), 1133-1161

Du, J. , Jing, H. , Choo, K. R., Sugumaran, V. , Castro-Lacouture, D. (2020). An Ontology and Multi-Agent Based Decision Support Framework for Prefabricated Component Supply Chain. INFORMATION SYSTEMS FRONTIERS. 22(6), 1467-1485

Xu, Z. , Cheng, C. , Sugumaran, V. (2020). Big data analytics of crime prevention and control based on image processing upon cloud computing. Journal of Surveillance, Security and Safety. 1(1), 16-33

Sugumaran, V. , L, L. (2019). A Cognitive-based AES Model Towards Learning Written English. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. 10(5), 1811-1820

Hu, M. , Li, Y. , Sugumaran, V. , Liu, B. , Du, J. (2019). Automated structural defects diagnosis in underground transportation tunnels using semantic technologies. AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION. 107107

Yu, G. , Mao, Z. , Hu, M. , Li, Z. , Sugumaran, V. (2019). BIM plus Topology Diagram-Driven Multiutility Tunnel Emergency Response Method. JOURNAL OF COMPUTING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. 33(6), 33(6)

Sugumaran, V. , A,R, A. , D, M. (2019). Comprehensive study and Analysis of Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing Techniques. Future Generation Computer Systems. 91407-415

Jing, N. , Wu, Z. , Lyu, S. , Sugumaran, V. (2019). Information credibility evaluation in online professional social network using tree augmented naive Bayes classifier. ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH.

Arunarani, A. R., Manjula, D. , Sugumaran, V. (2019). Task scheduling techniques in cloud computing: A literature survey. FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE. 91407-415

Sugumaran, V. , B, S. , J, L. (2019). Understanding differentiated Internet Use in Older Adults: A Study of Informational , Social and Instrumental Online Activities. Computers in Human Behavior. 97222-230

Kim, N. , Lee, Y. , Sugumaran, V. , Park, S. (2019). Value-Driven use Cases Triage for Embedded Systems: A Case Study of Cellular Phone. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. 10(5), 723-728

Yu, G. , Liu, J. , Du, J. , Hu, M. , Sugumaran, V. (2018). An Integrated Approach for Massive Sequential Data Processing in Civil Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance. IEEE ACCESS. 619739-19751

Sugumaran, V. , Daniel, M. , V, S. (2018). Assessing the quality of domain ontologies: Metrics and an automated ranking system.. Data and Knowledge Engineering. 11515

Sugumaran, V. , Beaulah P, M. R., D, M. (2018). Categorization of Images using Autoencoder Hashing and Training of Intra bin classifiers for Image Classification and Annotation. Journal of Medical Systems. 42(7), 15

Xu, Z. , Luo, X. , Liu, Y. , Choo, K. R., Sugumaran, V. , Yen, N. , Mei, L. , Hu, C. (2018). From Latency, Through Outbreak, to Decline: Detecting Different States of Emergency Events Using Web Resources. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIG DATA. 4(2), 245-257

Sugumaran, V. , J, L. (2018). How product representation influences the understanding of supply chain process models. Enterprise Information System. 12(10), 1307-1285

Masood, Manjula, Sugumaran, V. (2018). Identification of New Disease Genes from Protein-Protein Interaction Network,. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. http://doi.org/10.1007/s12652-018-0788-1.

Wang, X. , Sugumaran, V. , Zhang, H. , Xu, Z. (2018). A Capability Assessment Model for Emergency Management Operations. Information Systems Frontiers. 25

Jing, N. , Jiang, T. , Du, J. , Sugumaran, V. (2018). Personalized Recommendation Based on Customer Preference Mining and Sentiment Assessment from Chinese E-Commerce Websites. Electronic Commerce Research. 30

Attili, P. V., Mathew, S. K., Sugumaran, V. (2018). Understanding Information Privacy Assimilation in IT Organizations using Multi-Site Case Studies. Communications of the AIS. 30

Rothenberger, M. , Jain, H. , Sugumaran, V. (2017). A Platform-Based Design Approach for Flexible Software Components. Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application. 15

Arunarani, A. R., Manjula, D. , Sugumaran, V. (2017). FBAT-SCAS: A Security and Cost Aware Workflow Scheduling Approach Combining Firefly and Bat Algorithms. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 28

Sugumaran, V. , Geetha, T. , Manjula, D. , Gopal, H. (2017). Guest Editorial: Computational Intelligence and Applications. Information Systems Frontiers. 1–6

Sathiya, B. , Geetha, T. , Sugumaran, V. (2017). A Metric Based Automatic Selection of Ontology Matchers Using Bootstrapped Patterns. Journal of Web Engineering. 16(7-8), 619–652

Du, J. , Sugumaran, V. , Gao, B. (2017). RFID and Multi-Agent Based Architecture for Information Sharing in Prefabricated Component Supply Chain. IEEE Access. 57

Balijepally, V. , DeHondt, G. , Sugumaran, V. , Nerur, S. Agility in Software Development and Project Value. Journal of Database Management. 20

Wimmer, H. , Yoon, V. Y., Sugumaran, V. (2016). A multi-agent system to support evidence based medicine and clinical decision making via data sharing and data privacy. Decision Support Systems. 8851–66

Xu, Z. , Zhang, H. , Hu, C. , Mei, L. , Xuan, J. , Choo, K. R., Sugumaran, V. , Zhu, Y. (2016). Building knowledge base of urban emergency events based on crowdsourcing of social media. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 28(15), 4038–4052

Du, J. , He, R. , Sugumaran, V. (2016). Clustering and ontology-based information integration framework for surface subsidence risk mitigation in underground tunnels. Cluster Computing. 19(4), 2001–2014

Devi, R. S., Manjula, D. , Sugumaran, V. (2016). Efficient indexing structure to handle durable queries through web crawling. Cluster Computing. 19(3), 1347–1358

Xu, Z. , Luo, X. , Liu, Y. , Choo, K. R., Sugumaran, V. , Yen, N. , Mei, L. , Hu, C. From latency, through outbreak, to decline: detecting different states of emergency events using web resources. IEEE Transactions on Big Data. 10

Xu, Z. , Zhang, H. , Sugumaran, V. , Choo, K. R., Mei, L. , Zhu, Y. (2016). Participatory sensing-based semantic and spatial analysis of urban emergency events using mobile social media. EURASIP Journal of Wireless Communications and Networking. 2016(1), 44

Xu, Z. , Sugumaran, V. , Zhang, H. (2016). SPECIAL ISSUE Cyber-Physical System-related Technologies and Applications. Future Generation Computer Systems. 436-437

Kim, J. , Naylor, G. , Sivadas, E. , Sugumaran, V. (2016). Unrealized Value of Incentivized eWOM Recommendations. Marketing Letters. 27(3), 411-421

Krishnaraju, V. , Mathew, S. , Sugumaran, V. (2016). Web Personalization for User Acceptance of Technology: An Empirical Investigation of E-Government Services. Information Systems Frontiers. 579-595

Kim, D. J., Yim, M. , Sugumaran, V. , Rao, H. R.(2016). Web assurance seal services, trust and consumers’ concerns: an investigation of e-commerce transaction intentions across two nations. European Journal of Information Systems. 25(3), 252–273

Xu, Z. , Wei, X. , Liu, Y. , Mei, L. , Hu, C. , Choo, K. R., Zhu, Y. , Sugumaran, V. (2016). Building the Search Pattern of Web Users Using Conceptual Semantic Space Model. International Journal of Web and Grid Services. 12(3), 328–347

Zhang, X. , Sugumaran, V. (2014). Content Based Search Engine for Historical Calligraphy Images. International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies. 10(3), 1–18

Othman, S. , Beydoun, G. , Sugumaran, V. (2014). Development and Validation of Disaster Management Metamodel (DMM). Information Processing and Management. 50(2), 235 – 271

Byun, J. , Rhew, S. , Hwang, M. , Sugumaran, V. , Park, S. Y., Park, S. J.(2014). Metrics for Measuring the Consistencies of Requirements with Objectives and Constraints. Requirements Engineering. 19(1), 89-104

Lee, Y. , Hanh, N. , Sugumaran, V. (2014). Open Source CRM Software Selection Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Information Systems Management. 31(1), 2-20

Leukel, J. , Sugumaran, V. (2013). Formal Correctness of Supply Chain Design. Decision Support Systems. 56(1), 288 – 299

Xu, D. , Beydoun, G. , Sugumaran, V. (2013). Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) Adoption Challenges. International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies. 9(2), 1-6

Bolloju, N. , Sugumaran, V. (2012). A Knowledge-based Object Modeling Advisor for Developing Quality Object Models. Expert Systems with Applications. 39(3), 2893-2906

Sugumaran, V. , Schneider, C. , Bolloju, N. (2012). A knowledge-based system for improving the consistency between object models and use case narratives. Expert Systems with Applications. 39(10), 9398 – 9410

Choi, S. , Park, S. , Sugumaran, V. (2012). A Rule-Based Approach for Estimating Software development cost Using Function Point and Goal and Scenario Based Requirements. Expert Systems with Applications. 39(1), 406-418

Bolloju, N. , Schneider, C. , Sugumaran, V. (2012). Facilitating the Creation of Quality Object Models Utilizing Use Case Narratives and Collaboration Patterns. Expert Systems with Applications. 39(10), 9398-9410

Warkentin, M. , Sugumaran, V. , Sainsbury, R. (2012). The Role of Intelligent Agents and Data Mining in Electronic Partnership Management. Expert Systems with Applications. 13277-13288

Callaghan, J. H., Nehmer, R. , Sugumaran, V. , , . , , . (2012). Modeling Business Applications with XBRL and UML. International Journal of Business Information Systems. 10(1), 68-92

Sharma, S. , Sugumaran, V. (2011). A Framework for Enhancing Systems Security. Journal of Information Privacy and Security. 7(4), 3-22

Wang, M. , Jia, H. , Sugumaran, V. , Ran, W. , Lio, J. (2011). A Web-Based Learning System for Software Test Professionals. IEEE Transactions on Education. 54(2), 262-272

Mohan, K. , Ramesh, B. , Sugumaran, V. (2010). Successful Practices in Integrating Software Product Line Engineering and Agile Development Methods. IEEE Software. 37(3), 48-55

Conesa, J. , Storey, V. , Sugumaran, V. (2010). Usability of Upper Level Ontologies: The Case of ResearchCyc. Data and Knowledge Engineering. 69(4), 343-356

Leukel, J. , Sugumaran, V. (2009). A Semiotic Metrics Suite for Product Ontology Evaluation. International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies. 5(4), 1-15

Sugumaran, V. , Shriram, R. , Vivekanandan, K. (2009). Mobile Community Networks: Evolution and Challenges. International Journal of Mobile Computing and Multimedia Communications. 1(2), 61-79

Sugumaran, V. , Storey, V. , Tanniru, M. (2008). A Knowledge-Based Framework for Extracting Components in Agile Systems Development. Information Technology and Management. 937-53

Kapetanios, E. , Sugumaran, V. , Tanase, D. (2008). Multi-Lingual Web Querying: A Parametric Linguistics Based Approach. Data and Knowledge Engineering. 66(1), 18-34

Shriram, R. , Sugumaran, V. , Vivekanandan, K. (2008). A Middleware for Information Processing in Mobile Computing Platforms. International Journal of Mobile Communications. 6(5), 646 - 666

Kapetanios, E. , Sugumaran, V. , Tanase, D. (2008). A Parametric Linguistics Based Approach for Cross-Lingual Web Querying. Data and Knowledge Engineering. 66(1), 35 - 52

Canesa, J. , Storey, V. C., Sugumaran, V. (2008). Using Semantic Knowledge to Improve Web Query Processing. Data and Knowledge Engineering. 66(1), 18 - 34

Storey, V. C., Burton-Jones, A. , Sugumaran, V. , Purao, S. (2008). CONQUER: A Methodology for Context-Aware Query Processing on the World Wide Web. Information Systems Research. 19(1), 3 - 25

Sugumaran, V. , Tanniru, M. , Storey, V. C.(2008). A Knowledge-Based Framework for Extracting Components in Agile Systems Development. Information Technology and Management. 9(1), 37 - 53

Kim, J. , Park, S. , Sugumaran, V. (2008). DRAMA: A Framework for Domain Requirements Analysis and Modeling Architectures in Software Product Lines. Journal of Systems & Software. 81(1), 37-55

Sugumaran, V. , Sugumaran, R. (2007). Web-based Spatial Decision Support Systems (WebSDSS): Evolution, Architecture, Examples and Challenges. Communications of the AIS. 19(40), 844-875

Kim, M. , Park, S. , Sugumaran, V. , Yang, H. (2007). Managing Requirements Conflicts in Software Product Lines: A Goal and Scenario Based Approach. Data and Knowledge Engineering. 61(3), 417-432

Sugumaran, V. , Park, S. (2007). Modeling Web Service Profiles for the Semantic Web: A UML Based Approach. Journal Of Computer Information Systems. XLVII(2), 86 - 99

Dietrich, A. , Kirn, S. , Sugumaran, V. (2007). A Service-Oriented Architecture for Mass Customization - A Shoe Industry Case Study. IEEE Transactions On Engineering Management. 54(1), 190 - 204

Sugumaran, V. , Park, S. , Kang, K. (2006). Software Product Line Engineering. Communications of the ACM. 49(12), 28 - 32

Sugumaran, V. , Storey, V. C.(2006). The Role of Domain Ontologies in Database Design: An Ontology Management and Conceptual Modeling Environment. ACM Transactions on Database Systems. 31(3), 1064 - 1094

Kim, J. S., Park, S. , Sugumaran, V. (2006). Contextual Problem Detection and Management during Software Execution in Complex Environments. Industrial Management & Data Systems. 106(4), 540-561

Kim, J. , Park, S. , Sugumaran, V. (2006). Improving Use Case Driven Analysis using Goal and Scenario Authoring: A Linguistics-Based Approach. Data and Knowledge Engineering. 58(1), 21-46

Bose, R. , Sugumaran, V. (2006). Challenges in Deploying Web Services-Based E-Business Systems in SMEs. International Journal of E-Business Research. 2(1), 1-18

Sugumaran, V. , Dietrich, A. , Kirn, S. (2006). Supporting Mass Customization with an Agent-Based Coordination Method: Concept and Application. Journal of Information Systems and E-Business Management. 4(1), 83 - 106

S, P. , Na, H. , Park, S. , Sugumaran, V. (2006). A Semi-Automated Filtering Technique for Software Process Tailoring Using Neural Network. Expert Systems with Applications. 30(2), 179-189

Burton-Jones, A. , Storey, V. , Sugumaran, V. , Ahluwalia, P. (2005). A Semiotic Metrics Suite for Assessing the Quality of Ontologies. Data and Knowledge Engineering. 55(1), 84-102

Mark, I. W., Sugumaran, V. , Ward, T. J., Minds, D. , Ferris, W. (2005). Collection and Preparation of Sensor Network Data to Support Modeling and Analysis of Outpatient Clinics. Health Care Management Science. 8(2), 87-99

Park, S. , Sugumaran, V. (2005). Designing Multi-Agent Systems: A Framework and Application. Expert Systems with Applications. 28(2), 259-271

Kim, J. , Kim, J. , Park, S. , Sugumaran, V. (2004). A Multi-View Approach for Requirements Analysis using Goal and Scenario. Industrial Management & Data Systems. 104(9), 702 ? 711

Sugumaran, V. , Arogyaswami, B. (2004). Measuring IT Performance: Contingency Variables and Value Modes. Journal Of Computer Information Systems. XLIV(2), 79 ? 86

Park, S. , Kim, M. , Sugumaran, V. (2004). A Scenario, Goal and Feature Oriented Domain Analysis Approach for Developing Software Product Lines. Industrial Management & Data Systems. 104(4), 296 - 308

Sugumaran, V. , Storey, V. (2003). A Semantic-Based Approach to Component Retrieval. The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems. 34(3), 8-24

Bose, R. , Sugumaran, V. (2003). Application of knowledge management technology in customer relationship management. Knowledge and Process Management. 10(1), 3-17

Setzekorn, K. , Sugumaran, V. (2002). A Comparison of DMSS Implementation Issues With Those of Other IT Systems. Information Resources Management Journal. 15(4), 48-63

Sharma, S. , Sugumaran, V. , Rajagopalan, B. (2002). A Framework for Creating Hybrid-OSS Communities. Information Systems Journal. 12(1), 7 ? 25

Sugumaran, V. (2002). An Agent-Based Knowledge Management Framework for the E-Commerce Environment. Journal Of Computer Information Systems. 42(5), 63 ? 73

Callaghan, J. , Savage, A. , Sugumaran, V. (2002). Augmenting XBRL using UML: Improving Financial Analysis. Review Of Business Information Systems. 6(4), 27-33

Sugumaran, V. , Mobley, L. (2002). Integrating Spatial Regression into Healthcare Decision Support Systems. International Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management. 4(1/2), 132 - 147

Setzekorn, K. , Sugumaran, V. (2002). Interorganizational Learning: Does It Influence Organization Structure?. Communications of the IIMA. 2(2), 72-81

Sugumaran, V. , Storey, V. (2002). Ontologies for Conceptual Modeling: Their Creation, Use, and Management. Data and Knowledge Engineering. 42(3), 251 ? 271

Warkentin, M. , Sugumaran, V. , Bapna, R. (2001). eKnowledge Networks for Inter-Organizational Collaborative eBusiness. Journal of Logistics and Information Management. 14(1/2), 149 ? 162

Sugumaran, V. , Tanniru, M. , Storey, V. (2000). A Domain Model for Supporting Reuse in Systems Analysis. Communications of the ACM. 43(11es), 312 - 322

Warkentin, M. , Bapna, R. , Sugumaran, V. (2000). The Role of Mass Customization in Enhancing Supply Chain Relationships in B2C E-Commerce Markets. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research. 1(2), 45 ? 52

Bose, R. , Sugumaran, V. (1999). Application of Intelligent Agent Technology for Managerial Data Analysis and Mining. DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, The. 30(1), 77 ? 94

Sugumaran, V. , Bose, R. (1999). Data Analysis & Mining Environment: A Distributed Intelligent Agent Technology Application. Industrial Management & Data Systems. 99(2), 71-80

Gomaa, H. , Kerschberg, L. , Sugumaran, V. , Bosch, C. , Tavakoli, I. (1996). A Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Environment for Reusable Software Requirements and Architectures. Automated Software Engineering. 3285-307

Sugumaran, V. , Bose, R. (1996). Expert System Technology in Organizational Process Domain Modeling. Expert Systems: The International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Neural Ne. 13(1), 15 ? 28

Bose, R. , Sugumaran, V. (1996). Knowledge-Based Approach to Domain Modeling: Organizational Process Modeling Example. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 1967 ? 89

Sugumaran, V. , Bose, R. (1995). Organizational Process Modeling: A Domain Modeling Approach. HEURISTICS: The Journal of Intelligent Technologies. 8(4), 82 ? 94

Sugumaran, V. (1994). Component Reuse From Domain Models: A Knowledge-Based Approach. Journal of Computing and Information. 1(1), 1458-1473

Gomaa, H. , Kerschberg, L. , Sugumaran, V. (1992). Knowledge Based Approach to Domain Modeling: Application to NASA's Payload Operations Control Centers. International Journal of Telematics and Informatics. 9(3/4), 281-296

Books and Chapters:

Du, J. Zhang, J. Gu, Y. Sugumaran, V. (2020). Controlling Risk from Design Changes in Chinese Prefabricated Construction Projects: An Empirical Investigation. (pp. 194-214). Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing.

Park, G. Chung, L. Johng, H. Sugumaran, V. Park, S. Zhao, L. Supakkul, S. (2020). A Big Data Conceptual Model to Improve Quality of Business Analytics. (pp. 20-37). Research Challenges in Information Science.

Leukel, J. Schehl, B. Sugumaran, V. (2020). To Do or Not to Do: How Socio-demographic Characteristics of Older Adults Are Associated with Online Activities. (pp. 255-268). Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Technology and Society.

Du, J. Wang, X. Sugumaran, V. (2019). An Ecological Business Model for Intelligent Operation and Maintenance of Urban Infrastructure. (pp. 15-25). The Ecosystem of e-Business: Technologies, Stakeholders, and Connections.

Ch., H. Sugumaran, V. (2019). Multimodal Medical Image Fusion with Multi Resolution Discrete Cosine Transform. (pp. 216-222). Application of Intelligent Systems in Multi-modal Information Analytics.

Sugumaran, V. Sangaiah, A. Thangavelu, A. (2017). Computational Intelligence Applications in Business Intelligence and Big Data Analytics. (pp. 350). Taylor & Francis.

Sugumaran, V. Yoon, V. Shaw, M. (2016). E-life: Web-enabled Convergence of Commerce, Work, and Social Life. (pp. 240). Springer.

Métais, E. Meziane, F. Saraee, M. Sugumaran, V. Vadera, S. (2016). Natural Language Processing and Information Systems: 21st International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, NLDB 2016, Salford, UK, June 22-24, 2016, Proceedings. (pp. 490). Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

Sugumaran, V. (2016). Semantic technologies for enhancing knowledge management systems. (pp. 203-213). Morgan Kaufmann.

Sugumaran, V. (2015). Recent Advances in Intelligent Technologies and Information Systems. (pp. 309). Idea Group Publishers.

Sugumaran, V. Métais, E. Meziane, F. Saraee, M. Vadera, S. (2013). Natural Language Processing and Information Systems. (pp. 425). Lecture Notes in Computer Science.

Sugumaran, V. (2013). Organizational Efficiency Through Intelligent Information Technologies. (pp. 344). IGI Global.

Sugumaran, V. (2012). Insights into Advancements in Intelligent Information Technologies: Discoveries. IGI Global.

Sugumaran, V. Gulla, J. (2011). Applied Semantic Web Technologies. Taylor & Francis.

Sugumaran, V. (2011). Intelligent Adaptive and Reasoning Technologies: New Developments and Applications. IGI Global.

Leukel, J. Sugumaran, V. (2011). Semiotic Evaluation of Product Ontologies. (pp. 64-79). IGI Global.

Sugumaran, V. Shriram, R. (2011). Typology and Challenges in Developing Mobile Middleware Based Community Network Infrastructure. (pp. 329-343). IGI Global.

Sugumaran, V. (2010). Methodological Advancements in Intelligent Information Technologies: Evolutionary Trends. IGI Global.

Kang, K. Sugumaran, V. Park, S. (2010). Applied Software Product Line Engineering. (pp. 500). Taylor & Francis.

Sugumaran, V. (2009). Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Agent Technology, and Collaborative Applications. (pp. 426 pages). Idea Group Publishers.

Sugumaran, V. DeHondt, G. (2008). Towards Code Reuse and Refactoring as a Practice Within Extreme Programming. (pp. 63 - 78). Idea Group Publishers.

Kapetanios, E. Sugumaran, V. Spiliopoulou, M. (2008). Natural Language and Information Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. (pp. 283 pages). Springer.

Bose, R. Sugumaran, V. (2008). Incorporating Web Services Into E-Business Systems: An SME Perspective. (pp. 183-208). IGI Global.

Sugumaran, V. (2008). Intelligent Information Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications. (pp. 2396). Idea Group Publishers.

Sugumaran, V. (2008). Intelligent Information Technologies and Applications. (pp. 350 pages). Idea Group Publishers.

Bose, R. Sugumaran, V. (2007). Decision Support for Global Enterprises, Semantic Web Technologies for Enhancing Intelligent DSS Environments. (pp. 231 - 238). Springer.

Sugumaran, V. (2007). Application of Agents and Intelligent Information Technologies. (pp. 377 pages). Idea Group Publishers.

Ilavajhala, S. Sugumaran, R. Sugumaran, V. (2006). Emerging Spatial Information Systems and Applications, Development of a Web-Based Intelligent Spatial Decision Support System (WebISDSS): A Case Study with Snow Removal Operations. (pp. 184-202). Idea Group Publishers.

Sugumaran, V. (2002). Intelligent Support Systems Technology: Knowledge Management. IRM Press.

Park, S. Sugumaran, V. (2001). Human Computer Interaction: Issues and Challenges, A Modeling Methodology for Intelligent Agents: An Electronic Commerce Application. IDEA Group Publishing, 2001.

Warkentin, M. Sugumaran, V. Bapna, R. (2001). Internet Commerce and Software Agents: Cases Technologies and Opportunities, Intelligent Agents for Electronic Commerce: Trends and Future Impact on Business Models and Markets. IDEA Group Publishing, 2001

Other Publications:

Mei, L. Xu, Z. Sugumaran, V. (2019). Special issue on machine learning-based applications and techniques in cyber intelligence. (pp. 8135-8137). NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS.

Xu, Z. Sugumaran, V. Yen, N. (2018). Special issue: algorithmic and knowledge-based approaches to assessing consumer sentiment in electronic commerce. (pp. 1-1). ELECTRONIC COMMERCE RESEARCH.

Sugumaran, V. Rutledge, A. Shah, P. Use of Interactive Content in Online Education: Experience with an Introductory MIS Course. (pp. 5). MWAIS.

Chau, M. Sugumaran, V. (2008). Special Issue for International Journal of Electronic Business. (pp. 150). Inderscience.

Yang, H. Kim, M. Park, S. Sugumaran, V. (2005). A Process and Tool Support for Managing Activity and Resource Conflicts Based on Requirements Classification. (pp. 114-125). International Workshop on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB2005), International Workshop on Applications of Natural.

Storey, V. Sugumaran, V. Ding, Y. (2005). A Semi-Automatic Approach to Extracting Common Sense Knowledge from Knowledge Sources. (pp. 322-332). International Workshop on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB2005), International Workshop on Applications of Natural.

Dietrich, A. Kirn, S. Sugumaran, V. (2005). Adaptive Information Systems for Mass Customization: A Web Services Based Architecture and Case Study. (pp. 202-208). Fourth Workshop on e-Business (Web 2005), Fourth Workshop on e-Business (Web 2005).

Sugumaran, R. Ilavajhala, S. Sugumaran, V. (2005). Experiences with Implementing a Spatial Decision Support System for Planning Snow Removal Operations. (pp. 1668-1676). 2005 Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2005 Americas Conference on Information Systems.

Bose, R. Sugumaran, V. (2005). Semantic Web for E-Business. (pp. 16431-16436). Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference.

Sugumaran, V. Sugumaran, R. (2005). Web-based Spatial Decision Support Systems (WebSDSS): Evolution, Architecture, and Challenges. Third Annual SIGDSS Pre-ICIS Workshop, Third Annual SIGDSS Pre-ICIS Workshop.

Bose, R. Sugumaran, V. (2004). Challenges in Integrating Web Services into E-Commerce Applications. (pp. 7961-7966). Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference.

Sugumaran, R. Sugumaran, V. Salim, M. Villavicencio, A. (2004). An Agent-Based Spatial Decision Support System for Snow Removal Asset Management: A Web-Based Approach. (pp. 2176 - 2183). Americas Conference on Information Systems,.

Kim, J. Park, S. Sugumaran, V. (2004). A Linguistics-Based Approach for Use Case Driven Analysis Using Goal and Scenario Authoring. (pp. 159 - 170). International Workshop on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB2004).

Storey, V. Sugumaran, V. Buton-Jones, A. (2004). The Role of User Profiles in Context-Aware Query Processing for the Semantic Web. (pp. 51 - 63). International Workshop on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB2004).

Umapathy, K. Purao, S. Sugumaran, V. (2003). Facilitating Conversations among Web Services as Speech-act based Discourses. (pp. 85 - 90). Annual Workshop On Information Technologies And Systems (WITS'03).

Sugumaran, V. Storey, V. (2003). Supporting Database Designers in Entity-Relationship Modeling: An Ontology-Based Approach. (pp. 59 ? 71). International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS?03).

Sugumaran, V. Kirn, S. Dietrich, A. (2003). Towards an Agent-Based Mass Customization Environment: Architecture and Coordination. (pp. 329 ? 335). Second Workshop on E-Business (WeB?03).

Setzekorn, K. Sugumaran, V. Chandrababu, M. (2003). E-Government: Transformation Catalyst in Kerala State, India. Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference.

Storey, V. Burton-Jones, A. Sugumaran, V. Purao, S. (2003). A Heuristic-based Methodology for Semantic Augmentation of User Queries on the Web. 22nd International Conference on Conceptual Modeling.

Sugumaran, V. Sugumaran, R. (2003). Spatial Decision Support Systems Using Intelligent Agents and GIS Web Services. (pp. 2481 ? 2486). Americas Conference on Information Systems,.

Storey, V. Burton-Jones, A. Sugumaran, V. Ahluwalia, P. (2003). Assessing the Effectiveness of the DAML Ontologies for the Semantic Web. (pp. 56 - 69). 8th International Workshop on Applications of Natural Language for Information Systems.

Sugumaran, V. Burton-Jones, A. Storey, V. (2002). A Multi-Agent Prototype for Intelligent Query Processing on the Semantic Web. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS).

Sugumaran, V. Storey, V. (2002). An Ontology-Based Conceptual Modeling Environment. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS).

Rajagopalan, B. Lauer, T. Sugumaran, V. Lauer, R. Goldberg, J. (2002). Creation and Use of Knowledge Artifacts in Software Development: A Case Study at EDS-Global Interactive Solutions. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS).

Sharma, S. Sugumaran, V. (2002). A Systems Development Life Cycle View of E-Commerce Security. (pp. 1389 ? 1394). Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference.

Setzekorn, K. Sugumaran, V. Patnayakuni, N. Sung, J. (2002). Implementation Resistance Factors for Decision Making Support Systems: A Comparative Analysis. (pp. 186 ? 191). Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference.

Park, S. Sugumaran, V. (2002). Goal-Oriented Analysis for Web Services Application Development. (pp. 1484 ? 1488). Americas Conference on Information Systems,.

Callaghan, J. Savage, A. Sugumaran, V. (2002). Augmenting XBRL using UML: Improving Financial Analysis. Fourth Annual AIS Educator Conference.

Sugumaran, V. Storey, V. (2002). An Ontology-based Framework for Generating and Improving Database Design. (pp. 15 ? 26). 7th International Workshop on Applications of Natural Language for Information Systems.

Sugumaran, V. Tanniru, M. (2002). Life Cycle Based Approach for Knowledge Management: A Knowledge Organization Case Study. The Fourteenth International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE?02).

Sugumaran, V. (2001). Retrieving and Reusing Components During Systems Development. (pp. 1028 ? 1030). Proceedings of Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference.

Sharma, S. Sugumaran, V. Rajagopalan, B. (2001). Structure of Open-Source Software Organization: What Can We Learn from It?. (pp. 953 ? 955). Proceedings of Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference.

Sugumaran, V. Davis, K. (2001). A Natural Language-Based Multi-Agent System for Legal Research. (pp. 412 ? 414). Americas Conference on Information Systems,.

Park, S. Sugumaran, V. Lee, S. (2001). An Architecture-Centric Approach for Multi-Agent System Development and Application. (pp. 160 - 169). International Workshop on Advanced Issues of E-Commerce and Web-based Information Systems.

Sugumaran, V. Storey, V. (2001). Creating and Managing Domain Ontologies for Database Design. (pp. 17 - 26). 6th International Workshop on Applications of Natural Language for Information Systems.

Sugumaran, V. Storey, V. (2000). An Approach to Intelligent Query and Component Retrieval for Web-Based Repositories. (pp. 16 - 19). Proceedings of 21st Annual International Conference on Information Systems.

Sugumaran, V. Park, S. (2000). A Knowledge-Based Agent Modeling and Design Environment. (pp. 279 ? 281). Proceedings of AMCIS?2000.

Sugumaran, V. Tanniru, M. (2000). Designing Support for Customers on the Web ? A Methodology and Case Study. (pp. 365 ? 367). Proceedings of AMCIS?2000.

Sharma, S. Sugumaran, V. (2000). Examination of Software Reuse in Information Systems Projects. (pp. 500 ? 502). Proceedings of AMCIS?2000.

Sugumaran, V. Mobley, L. (2000). Integrating Spatial Regression into Decision Support Systems. (pp. 272 ? 278). Proceedings of AMCIS?2000.

Sugumaran, V. Tanniru, M. Storey, V. (1999). An Automated System for Artifact Reuse in Systems Analysis and Design. (pp. 81-86). Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Information Technologies And Systems.

Sugumaran, V. Arogyaswamy, B. (1999). Models of Information Technology Deployment: The Link to Measures of Success. (pp. 473-482). Proceedings of the International Conference On Delivering Service Quality: Managerial Challenges for the 21st Century.

Sugumaran, V. (1999). A Web Based Intelligent Interface to Geographic Information Systems Using Agent Technology. (pp. 569 ?575). Managing Information Technology Resources in Organizations in the Next Millennium.

Sugumaran, V. Tanniru, M. Storey, V. (1999). Identifying Software Components from Process Requirements Using Domain Model and Object Libraries. (pp. 65-81). Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference on Information Systems.

Bhatt, G. Sugumaran, V. (1999). Decision Support Systems and Learning Organizations. (pp. 469-471). Proceedings of Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference.

Bhatt, G. Sugumaran, V. (1999). A Case of Business Reengineering Failure: Looking for Traditional Management Philosophy. (pp. 662-664). Proceedings of the Fifth Americas Conference on Information Systems.

Park, S. Sugumaran, V. (1999). An Agent Oriented Software Modeling Paradigm. (pp. 618 ? 623). Annual Conference of the Information Resources Management Association.

Sugumaran, V. (1998). Application of Intelligent Agent Technology in Geographic Information Systems. (pp. 666 ? 668). Proceedings of Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference.

Bose, R. Sugumaran, V. (1998). IDM: An Intelligent Software Agent Based Data Mining Environment. (pp. 2888 ? 2893). Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics.

Sugumaran, V. (1998). A Distributed Intelligent Agent-Based Spatial Decision Support System. (pp. 403-405). Proceedings of Association for Information Systems Americas Conference.

Sugumaran, V. (1997). An Intranet Based Intelligent Agent Approach to Organizational Process Modeling and Execution. (pp. 509-511). Proceedings of Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference.

Khambekar, P. Sugumaran, V. Tanniru, M. Storey, V. (1996). Knowledge-Based Support for Systems Analysis Using Domain Models. (pp. 299-303). Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems.

Sugumaran, V. (1996). Enhancing an Image Database with Web Based Full-Text Search Engine. (pp. 768-770). Proceedings of Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference.

Sugumaran, V. (1996). Interfacing Relational Databases with World Wide Web. (pp. 316-318). Proceedings of North East Decision Sciences Institute?s Annual Conference.

Sugumaran, V. (1994). A Knowledge-Based Tool for System Development from Domain Models. (pp. 772-774). Proceedings of Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference.

Gomaa, H. Kerschberg, L. Sugumaran, V. Bosch, C. Tavakoli, I. (1994). A Prototype Domain Modeling Environment for Reusable Software Architectures. Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Reuse.

Gomaa, H. Kerschberg, L. Sugumaran, V. (1992). A Knowledge-Based Approach to Generating Target System Specifications from a Domain Model. (pp. 252-258). Proceedings of International Federation of Information Processing World Congress.

Gomaa, H. Kerschberg, L. Sugumaran, V. (1992). Domain Modeling Concepts and Target System Specification Generation. (pp. 181-194). Proceedings of NASA/Goddard Conference on Space Applications of Artificial Intelligence.

Gomaa, H. Kerschberg, L. Bosch, C. Sugumaran, V. Tavakoli, I. (1991). A Prototype Software Engineering Environment for Domain Modeling and Reuse. (pp. 255-263). Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual Software Engineering Workshop, NASA/Goddard Software Engineering Laboratory.

Gomaa, H. Kerschberg, L. Bosch, C. Sugumaran, V. Tavakoli, I. (1991). Towards A Software Engineering Environment for Domain Modeling and Reuse. (pp. 1-6). Proceedings of Fourth Annual Workshop on Software Reuse, IEEE Computer Society.

Sugumaran, V. Gomaa, H. Kerschberg, L. (1991). Generating Target System Specifications From A Domain Model Using CLIPS. (pp. 209-226). Proc. of Second Annual CLIPS Conference, NASA/Johnson Space Center.

Sugumaran, V. (1990). Object Oriented Databases: Prototypes and Commercial Systems. Proc. of the Workshop on Object-Oriented Methodologies For The Earth Sciences: A World of Objects, U. S. Geological Survey.

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